Plantskydd is a blood derivative which triggers a predator-fear reaction, and deer are deterred by the smell. It typically needs to be applied spring & fall, & 1 quart treats 100 plants, 1 foot tall.
1-Pre Mixed Quart
Fragrant Giant Hyssop
Agastache foeniculum. It’s late season flower provides forage for pollinators. Open prairie or woodland edges. Typically grows 2-4’ tall, bloom season is June-October.
Pack of 6
Joe Pye Weed
Pollinator magnet! Likes moist soil near streams and creeks. Full or part sun. Typically grows 4-6’ tall, bloom season is July-September.
Pack of 6
aka Saskatoon serviceberry. Grows 6-15 ft tall, bloom season is May-June. Moist well drained. Part to full sun.
Great food source & shelter for wildlife.
12-18"; 5/bundle
Little Bluestem
Schizachyrium scoparium. Dry soil. Part to full sun.
Forms dense mounds 18-24 inches tall. Slender blue-green stems often reach 3-5 feet, or more, by September, and become mahogany-red with white, shining seed tufts in the fall.
Pack of 6
Big Bluestem
Andropogon gerardii. Warm season, perennial bunchgrass with blue-green stems 4-8 ft. tall. Turns red-maroon in the fall.
Moderately tolerant of acidity and can withstand periodic flooding and high-water tables. Full sun. Also known as Turkey Foot.
Pack of 6.
Narrow-Leaved Coneflower
Echinacea angustifolia. Dry soil and full sun.
Attracts bees and many other insect pollinators. Prairie species.
Pack of 6
Black Eyed Susan
Classic flower! Great for a prairie planting. Dry soil and full sun.
Typically grows 1-3’ tall, bloom season is June-October.
Pack of 6
Swamp Milkweed
Vital role in monarch butterfly’s lifecycle! Wet to moist soil. Full sun.
Typically grows 1-4’ tall, bloom season is June-September.
Pack of 6