PO Box 990
1895 W U.S. Highway 2       
Grand Rapids, MN
Mon-Fri: 8am to 4:30pm Closed on Weekends
           (218) 326-5573
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Black Eyed Susan

4 Left!! Classic flower! Great for a prairie planting. Dry soil and full sun.
Typically grows 1-3’ tall, bloom season is June-October. 
Pack of 6


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Blue Flag Iris

Typically grows 1-3' tall, bloom season is May-August. Wet soil. Part to full sun.
Great for a shoreline planting.
Pack of 6.


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Blue Vervain


Great for a shoreline planting. Wet soil. Part to full sun.
Grows 1-6’ tall. Bloom season is June-September. 
Pack of 6.


Butterfly Weed

Name says it all with bright orange pompoms! A part of the milkweed family and is vital to monarch butterflies. Dry soil. Full sun.
Typically grows 1-2’ tall, bloom season is June-September. 
Pack of 6


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Canada Anemone

7 Left!
Moist to well-drained. Part to full sun.
Great for a shoreline planting in sandy soils! 
Typically grows 1-2” tall, bloom season is May-July. 
Pack of 6


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Great for hummingbirds! Well-drained soil. Part to full sun.
Typically grows 1-3’ tall, bloom season is May-July. 
Pack of 6


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Fragrant Giant Hyssop

SOLD OUT! Agastache foeniculum. It’s late season flower provides forage for pollinators.  Open prairie or woodland edges. Typically grows 2-4’ tall, bloom season is June-October. 
Pack of 6


Great Blue Lobelia

3 REMAINING! Great for a shoreline planting and pollinators. Wet to moist soils. Part to full sun.
Typically grows 1-4’ tall, bloom season is July-October. 
Pack of 6


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Joe Pye Weed

5 Left!!
Pollinator magnet! Likes moist soil near streams and creeks. Full or part sun. Typically grows 4-6’ tall, bloom season is July-September. 
Pack of 6


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Narrow-Leaved Coneflower

Echinacea angustifolia. Dry soil and full sun.
Attracts bees and many other insect pollinators. Prairie species. 
Pack of 6


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Prairie Coreopsis

8 Left
Also know as stiff tickseed. Dainty yellow blossoms. Typically grows 1-3’ tall, bloom season is June-August. Tolerates dry areas and full sun.
Pack of 6


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Rough Blazing Star

Attracts a wide range of pollinators. Dry soil. Part to full sun.
Typically grows 1-4’ tall, bloom season is July-September. 
Pack of 6


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Swamp Milkweed

3 Left! Vital role in monarch butterfly’s lifecycle! Wet to moist soil. Full sun.
Typically grows 1-4’ tall, bloom season is June-September. 
Pack of 6


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Wild Bergamot

5 Left!
Great for pollinator plantings. Moist to dry soil. Full sun.
Typically grows 2-4’ tall, bloom season is June-August.
Pack of 6


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