Shorelands typically contain important habitat and erodible soils, which present a high risk to surface water pollution if not anchored with natural deep-rooted vegetation. Many of these areas are highly sensitive to development. Shoreland standards are designed to accommodate development around sensitive water bodies in a sustainable way - reducing impacts on water quality and preserving the natural character of the water body.
Technical assistance is available for shoreland management such as:
- Shoreline and stream bank stabilization such as rock riprap and bioengineering
- Lakeshore alterations including tree plantings, diversions, and filter strip establishment
- Reestablish or create a more natural shoreline by planting native shoreline species
- Design projects for shoreline management
Itasca County Soil and Water can assist up to 50% of the landowner shoreline management project total costs. Cost-share assistance may be available depending on funding and the nature of the project.
Not only are natural shorelines beautiful, they are critical in stabilizing the shoreline from the damaging effects of erosion. Natural shorelines also create a buffer between your yard and the lake. That natural buffer helps keep the lake water clean by filtering out pollutants before they have a chance to reach the lake. Natural shorelines also create critical habitat for fish and wildlife that a manicured lawn cannot provide.