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The Minnesota Invasive Species Advisory Council (MISAC) bestowed Carol Mortensen Invasive Species Management Awards at their virtual Upper Midwest Invasive Species Conference in November. Bill Grantges, Aquatic Invasive Species (AIS) Coordinator for the Itasca County Soil and Water Conservation District (SWCD), received the 2020 Individual Achievement Award, in recognition of his efforts in managing Itasca County’s aquatic invasive species program. Bill has been instrumental in making this program a success since its inception in 2014, and in successfully implementing and growing the program each year.
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- Category: News & Updates
- Hits: 5275
The MASWCD Outstanding Conservationist Award is to recognize individuals, conservation organizations, and others for outstanding accomplishments with implementing conservation practices and improving Minnesota’s natural resources. Itasca Soil and Water this year nominated John Davis from Deer Lake Assoication.
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- Category: News & Updates
- Hits: 6663
The Lawns to Legumes program offers a combination of workshops, coaching, planting guides and cost-share funding for installing pollinator-friendly native plantings in residential lawns. The program also includes a public education campaign to raise awareness for pollinator habitat projects and will establish demonstration neighborhoods that showcase best practices. Partners include Blue Thumb - Planting for Clean Water and Metro Blooms.