CLEAN all visible aquatic plants, zebra mussels, and other prohibited invasive species from watercraft, trailers, and water-related equipment before leaving any water access or shoreland.
Protecting Trout Lake - Video by Cavour Johnson
Local volunteer, mentor, and conservation leader Cavour Johnson, of Coleraine, has been essential to the coordination and planning efforts to improve stormwater runoff in Coleraine. To help showcase the importance of clean water, Cavour produced a video displaying the past, present, and future of water quality in the area.
Itasca SWCD has Cost Share Funds to Help Improve Pollinator Habitat
Did you know that female monarch butterflies lay their eggs on all 9 types milkweed plants? That’s right- and swamp milkweed and common milkweed average the highest number of eggs! The monarch butterfly is now listed on the endangered species list. These pollinators (just like bees, moths, flies and other butterflies) are essential to help plants make fruits and seeds by moving pollen from one place to another.
Itasca Waters to Hold Free Virtual Series
Local non-profit conservation group Itasca Waters is going to hold a series of virtual learning webinars on the 1st Thursday of each month starting on April 7th from noon-1pm.